Thursday, June 16, 2011

How to draw different signal encodings in java


This articles will show how different signals which include, NRZL, NRZI, Bipolar AMI, Psedoternay, Manchester and Differential Manchester are displayed.

JDK and eclipse compatibility

JDK version 1.3 with eclipse 3.3 is the minimum requirement.

Project overview
The downloadable zip file contains an eclipse project which has a MainFrame class for GUI and a DigitalSignalEncoding class which does all the magic. This project uses Swing for GUI and graphics 2D.for drawing the signals.

Each encoding corresponds to a method in the DigitalSignalEncoding class which makes it fairly simple to understand. However, if you have any question; please post comment.

Unzip the downloadable and load in the eclipse project. Make a run configuration for MainFrame class and you are all set. The input can be given in decimal or binay format based on the selected option. Once the input is provided hitting enter key will display the signal.

If different encoding needs to be displayed for the same given input, the selection in the drop down needs to be changed.

Enjoy, if you like it please appreciate!


  1. Thank you very much..I'm really really really appreciate it (~^_^~)

  2. thanks!! just what I needed!!! now I just need to make my program with NRZL, HDB3 and PCM. best thing of it is that it doesn't requires external libraries.

  3. yes I've noticed that, but I don't want to just copy the code, I want to use your code as a guide :)

  4. pls help me i couldnt download the zip file

  5. Click on the link again (How to draw different signal encodings in java)
    Make sure to login with your gmail account before you try to download. Let me know if it still doesn't work.
